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Life at Leo’s > Students’ Club

Students' Club

Your voice at St Leo’s

The St Leo’s College Students’ Club is responsible for the collegiality which solidifies the full St Leo’s College experience by facilitating the College’s sporting teams, cultural teams and social events.

Through meetings with the Deputy Head of College and the Dean of Students, the Students’ Club Executive sets the tone for the College and works with the College Executive to ensure the Leo’s experience is unrivalled amongst the offerings at UQ.

The Students’ Club Executive meets with St Leo’s Council twice each year. These meetings are especially important because they are how St Leo’s, the organisation, ensures all stakeholders are aligned with the College’s values. These meetings have been happening since 2018 as has the practice of St Leo’s student leaders meeting with and receiving families of newly arriving First Years at the start of O Week.

In any given year, the Students’ Club runs events as diverse as trips to Wet ‘n Wild through to our annual Ball to our Choralfest performance. The Students’ Club is a big part of what makes St Leo’s the College that it is – the more involved you are in your College experience, the more the experience will give back to you.